What are the Benefits of Powdered Milk?
Besides tasting great, powdered milk is a "green" option that saves energy and costs.

Benefits to Consumers
- Requires no refrigeration until reconstituted.
- Expensive refrigeration space is minimized.
- Reduced shelf space compared to liquid products.
- Shelf life up to one year minimizes the possibility of product becoming unusable.
Benefits to Institutions
- Requires no refrigeration until reconstituted.
- Expensive refrigeration space is minimized allowing more space for other products or provides opportunity to reduce refrigeration space and energy costs.
- Reduced warehouse and shelf space compared to liquid products. One case of powdered skim milk occupies less than 20% of liquid milk.
- Shelf life up to one year minimizes the possibility of product becoming unusable.
- Reduced freight cost. One skid of powdered milk weighs approximately 1000kg; the equivalent in liquid would be 10 times heavier and occupy 8 times the space.
- Reduced supply chain costs. Powdered milk provides the opportunity to reduce the number of purchase orders, reduce receiving events, reduce the processing of payables and reduce inventory costs. Based on an industry average cost of $150.00 CAD to process a purchase order (from issue to pay); the supply of powdered dairy product provides an opportunity to reduce overhead costs.
- In secure environments powdered dairy products reduce the number of entrance and exits to these secure areas. This reduces the costs, the risks and the number of events needed to ensure security is maintained.